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Implausible To Hijack Now How Aviation Security Has Been Boosted After Indias Ic 814 Us 911 Incidents

# Implausible To Hijack Now! How Aviation Security Has Been Boosted After India’s IC-814 & US’ 9/11 Incidents ## The Alarming Wake-Up Calls The harrowing hijackings of Indian Airlines Flight IC-814 in 1999 and American Airlines Flight 11 on September 11, 2001, sent shockwaves through the world, exposing glaring loopholes in aviation security. These incidents became catalysts for a comprehensive overhaul of security measures, leading to significant advancements that have made hijacking attempts increasingly improbable. ### Enhanced Screening Procedures Post-9/11, airport security screenings became more stringent and intrusive. Passengers now undergo thorough pat-downs, baggage inspections, and screening for prohibited items using advanced technology like X-ray machines and metal detectors. Enhanced screening procedures have effectively deterred potential hijackers and prevented the smuggling of dangerous items onto aircraft. ### Hardened Cockpit Doors One of the most critical security enhancements was the installation of reinforced cockpit doors on aircraft. Prior to 9/11, cockpit doors were relatively flimsy and easily breached, allowing hijackers to gain control of the plane. Now, cockpit doors are made of bulletproof materials and can withstand significant force, making it virtually impossible for intruders to enter without authorization. ### Air Marshal Program The Air Marshal program, initiated in the United States shortly after 9/11, deploys law enforcement officers in plain clothes on commercial flights to deter and respond to potential threats. Air marshals are highly trained and armed, providing an additional layer of protection against hijacking attempts. ### Improved Passenger Awareness Heightened security measures have made passengers more vigilant and aware of their surroundings. Airlines and airports actively encourage passengers to report any suspicious behavior or unattended items, empowering them to contribute to the overall safety of flights. ### Technological Advancements Technology has played a vital role in boosting aviation security. Sophisticated surveillance systems, facial recognition software, and biometric screening are now deployed at airports to identify suspicious individuals and prevent unauthorized access to restricted areas. ### International Cooperation The threat of terrorism knows no borders, prompting international cooperation in aviation security. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has established global standards and protocols for airport security, ensuring a consistent and robust approach worldwide. ### Continuous Evaluation and Adaptation Aviation security is an ever-evolving field, with ongoing assessments and adaptations to address emerging threats. Governments, airlines, and security agencies work tirelessly to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities, ensuring that aviation remains a safe and secure mode of transportation.


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